Contact and Projects

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Goal: Complete full site rebuild for Smashbox Cosmetics, tying in custom built components for payments and loyalty rewards.

Tech/tools used: Mustache, SASS (Bourbon), jQuery, Gulp, Git, Drupal, Photoshop, JIRA



Goal: Create an online version of Tommy Hilfigers Fall 2015 magazine and integrate user generated content through Storify

Tech/tools used: HTML5, SASS (Bourbon), JavaScript, LiveReload, Gulp, Beanstalk

++ This was the first time I worked with an API, so I wrote a blog post about the process (read it here)


The Promise Society

Goal: Integrate WordPress into The Promise Society's static site to allow for their team to update content as needed. Created a custom theme.

Tech/tools used: HTML5, PHP, NPM, jQuery, SASS (Bourbon), Browsersync, Gulp, Beanstalk, WordPress, ACF

Forbes Media (static version)

Goal: Create static version of from scratch

Tech/tools used: HTML5, SASS (Bourbon, Neat), jQuery, NPM, LiveReload, PHP (include files), Gulp, Beanstalk (Git), Photoshop, Font icons

++ This was my apprenticeship project. My team built and I contributed code to the live site as well.


[Personal - after hours]

PHP Versions

Goal: Contribute to PHP Versions, an open source project, by upgrading the sites front-end and making it responsive.

Tech/tools used: HTML, Bourbon, Jeykll, GitHub

Github repo: check it out


Clonebase (work in progress)

Goal: Create a website that offers users a visual snapshot of the startup competitor landscape

Tech/tools used: ReactJS, Firebase, GitHub, AWS

Github repo: check it out


Did You Know?

Goal: Create a site that teaches you one thing you might've not known, by way of Twitter. I added preset filters and a search bar, which use the Twitter API to show the latest Tweet for that category / search term.

Tech/tools used: HTML, CSS, Node.js, Express.js, AngularJS 1, GitHub, AWS, Docker

Github repo: check it out
