When you paste an image it’s just paper and glue…people can tear it, tag on it, or pee on it…[T]he people in the street, they are the curator…The rain and the wind will take [the pastings] off anyway. They are not meant to stay.” - J.R, French Street Artist.

When passion and creativity meet a purpose. When art is created and displayed in the places from which it is born.

When the idea / driving motive is not to impose an ideology or push-forth change but instead to show that what is portrayed may not be the reality And what is the reality may be changed from within to bring forth a better portrait: a portait that represents a reality that is instead of what was or should be.


When you are faced with your own reflection / reality, it is hard to say you are not the reflecting image / that your reality could not change.

While art may not directly change the world, it may change the perceptions people have of other individuals, societies, entities And in retrospect of themselves, their society, and the entities of which they are a part.

JR: My wish: Use art to turn the world inside out

“Art can change the way we see the world. Art can create an energy…the fact that art cannot change things makes it a neutral place for exchanges and discussion and then enables it to change the world.” - JR

‘I wish for you to stand up for what you care about by participating in a global art project, and together we’ll turn the world… INSIDE OUT.’

TED Prize Winner JR & INSIDE OUT from TED Prize on Vimeo.

“What we see, changes who we are. When we act together, the whole thing is much more than the sum of the parts.” - JR (Ted Talk)