Science Fiction
Paul Root Wolpe discusses genetic engineering, physiotechnology and xenotransplantation, amongst other means, by which scientists are taking evolution into their own domain and deciding what the next iteration of a species is.
At what point does this become unethical? Is it already?
Every species on Earth serves a purpose, tampering with them disrupts their purpose and either negates it (as would occur through natural evolution, at the point when the species becomes extinct) or creates a new, unknown and un-preemptive, purpose. There exists no calculated-risk or exist strategy for when an experiments outcome is nothing like the “expected”. When you assume…
There’s a reason for why science fiction is a literary genre and not a reality. There’s a reason why people refer to 1984 and ‘Big Brother’. There’s a reason why humans protect their right to privacy, freedom of speech and value a freedom to chose. When you play with fire…